Hi, all:
Sorry for the late notice--I've
been bogged down with a plethora of finals this
week--five down, one to go.
We (College Bowl Club at
UC Irvine) will be hosting an informal scrimmage
open to all players on this Saturday, December 8, from
noon until 5:00 PM. The location will be Social
Science Hall, Rooms 152 and 162, on the campus of UC
Irvine. Our object is to alleviate post-finals stress and
have fun playing quiz bowl.
Please contact me
at willchen_at_... ASAP if you would like to
participate. We will be using a mixture of old and new
questions from various tournaments. We can either form
teams now or wait until everybody shows up on Saturday
to form teams. Teams will moderate during bye
rounds. There are no entry fees, no prizes awarded
(unless sponsored by individuals), and no packet
submission (unless you have a bunch of packets that you
think we can use).
Please address all questions
to me.
Willie Chen