The 2nd annual George Gamow Memorial High School
Event will be held April 27th, 2002 at GWU. This
tournament is a qualifier for PACE nationals 2002, which
will also be held at the George Washington University
in Washington, DC.
The date of April 27th was
selected for a number of reasons: first, it gives us at
GW, as well as the local and traveling schools,
plenty of lead time; second, it allows schools planning
to travel considerable distances, e.g. from Michigan
or Texas, the opportunity to attend both GW's
tournament and Maryland's Spring Classic on April 28th.
A webpage for Gamow II will be established at
<a href= target=new></a> . Contact for this event is trivia_at_... or
202-904-3636, or by mail at
GW Academic Competition
c/o Edmund Schluessel
2201 L St. NW apt.
Washington, DC
Edmund Schluessel