Hi, all. This is the official announcement for ACF Nationals to be held on Saturday, April 21, 2002 at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. ACF Nationals is open to all teams comprised of students from the same college/university. While masters/bastard teams may be allowed to play depending on the size of the field, they will be ineligible for any titles. Please contact Chief Editor Roger Bhan with any specific questions regarding eligibility. ACF Nationals will feature trophies for the championship team, the runner-up team, and the top division II team (i.e. comprised of first- and second-year players only). In addition, the top eight individual scorers will be recognized along with the top two division II scorers. The fee structure is as follows: Base fee: $120 -$30 if packet received by February 16, 2002 -$20 if packet received by March 9, 2002 -$10 if packet received by March 22, 2002 No penalty if packet received by April 2, 2002 +$20 if packet received by April 9, 2002 +$40 if packet received by April 16, 2002 -$20 for teams from west of the Mississippi River -$40 for West Coast teams (not cumulative with above discount) -$5 per working buzzer system -$10 per competent game official (determined by me) Minimum fee: $60 Register teams with tournament host Edmund Schluessel at trivia_at_... . Please send all packets to Roger Bhan at rsbhan_at_... . Every A and B team in attendance is required to submit a packet. If you do not submit a packet you will be assessed a $50 penalty. Do not bother submitting after April 16, 2002 unless you have made prior arrangements with the editor. Packet writing guidelines can be found on the ACF web site at <a href=http://www.inform.umd.edu/Student/Campus_Activities/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/acfguide.html target=new>http://www.inform.umd.edu/Student/Campus_Activities/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/acfguide .html</a> and <a href=http://www.inform.umd.edu/Student/Campus_Activities/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/writers.html. target=new>http://www.inform.umd.edu/Student/Campus_Activities/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/writers. html.</a> Please adhere to these guidelines strictly. And please do not randomize your questions; keep them sorted by category. --A Note from the Editor-- Id like to take this opportunity to comment on the level of difficulty. ACF Nationals should be a challenging tournament just like any national event. However, I am of the opinion that challenging questions are made mostly by clues, not by answers. If German literature is your bag, it is preferable to write a challenging question on tried and true topics like the works of Thomas Mann instead of the works of Klopstock. Please use your sublime and awe-inspiring knowledge to write quality questions that are accessible and reward depth. No one but you will be able to answer your obscurata and, sadly, you wont get to play on your own questions. In any case, the difficulty of ACF Nationals 2002 depends largely upon you, the question writer. If youve found ACF Nationals to be too inaccessible in the past, this is your chance to rectify things (actually, every ACF tournament is your chance to rectify things) by writing questions you think are answerable. Lets all do our best to make this the best ACF Nationals ever. Roger Bhan Editor ACF Nationals 2002
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