Since I've never heard of "Andromeda", I'm glad
to be sure of what that refers to; assuming that
"Hairagami" is the as-seen-on-tv "art of folding hair" device
rather than the anime I had assumed from the name, the
site has been updated as of the post-TrashMasters
And since there's been more interest in it this year
(hitting the tipping point of being big enough to be
interesting?)...I'd like to ask if there are any suggestions for
improving the website. Should it be organized at all?
Should the footnotes be organized at all? What amusing
QB sites are there for it to link to? (various
teams' lexicons...the UWO one was very good)
maybe most importantly, should the right answers be
before the wrong answers, or should the answer given be
before the correct answer? I have a feeling that one or
the other leads to a better or more soothing
psychological experience in some way, but whenever I think like
that I can make justifications for doing anything.
What would be more
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Michael davies