>How will this affect field size at the
upcoming >ICT?
I believe
the page on the NAQT site said that the div II field
will be expanded to allow for the CC teams. In other
words, no regular Div II spots would be "lost" to make
way for the CC teams.
I think it's a very good
thing. Many Florida CC teams can't make the regular
Sectional because of a scheduling conflict, and besides
that, it's nice to have a separate CC Sectional anyway,
especially since many CC players (at least in Florida) have
never even heard of NAQT or ACF. And by no means will
the CC teams be unworthy of inclusion in the Div II
field. There's at least one team from Florida, the
Valencia CC team with rising star Jim Baker, which could
do some damage, and the Snead State team from
Alabama with Lee Henry could fare pretty well. I just
wish an opportunity like this was available in 1998,
when I had Roger Bhan and two other beasts on my
Broward CC team. Anyway, to address the initial question,
no regular Div II spots are being cut -- the field
will be expanded to include a selected number of CC
teams (which remains to be determined -- the winners
are in, obviously, but the number of additional teams
isn't fixed yet).
--Raj Dhuwalia
speaking on behalf of NAQT, of course)