The Wichita State University Academic Quiz Bowl Team is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the NAQT Community College Kansas Sectional tourney on Saturday, February 16, 2002. The tournament is open to teams from any two-year, junior, and community colleges who wish to compete. The fee structure breaks down as follows: Fees 1st team entered by a school $65 2nd and additional teams from same school $55 ea. a copy of the complete set of questions used at the tournament $25 ea. (these are otherwise available for $35 per set, directly from NAQT) Discounts each functional buzzer system brought for use - $5 ea. (whether we use them or not) out of state school - $5 per team Schools interested in participating at this event should reply to me at the following email address: wsuquizbowl_at_.... Alternately, this email can be printed out and sent via snail mail to the following address: WSU Academic Quiz Bowl Team c/o Center For Student Leadership Campus Box 66 Wichita, KS 67260-0066 Further information about the tournament will soon be available at the following web address: <a href= target=new></a> I hope to see you all on 2/16/02, Sincerely, Vic D'Amico WSUAQBT President and Tournaments Director
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