Ouch! I'll be the first to admit my team and I as
an individual did not play well in the second half
and squandered a huge lead, which is nobody's fault
but our own. I still don't understand why the second
sentence of this rule was not applied to that match. That
was the major point of contention as far as I was
concerned. I will bitch no more forever.
may be lodged only by an active player or by the
official coach at the end of a half, the end of the game,
or during a timeout. All protests about events in
the first half must be lodged before the second half
begins. The only protest that may be lodged while the
clock is running is that the moderator has just
accepted a tossup answer from a player other than the one
who has signaled."
There is also a rule
saying that rulings of the tournament director are
final, so I guess there's nothing much left to say about
that. I still enjoy NAQT tournaments and hope to play
in them in the future.