<< I'd appreciate any tips you might have
on a) selecting a team from among several interested
Unless you have funding issues, I'd let anyone who wants
to participate go to a few invitationals, then use
the results of those tournaments to determine your
"A" or "varsity" team for events that only allow one
team per school. It's always good to carry a solid B
and C team so that you're not starting from scratch
every time a group of seniors graduates; from a
student's point of view, the benefits of playing should
extend even to someone who isn't the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or
4th best player at his/her school.
how to practice. I've found lots of web resources
including question archives, but any information people
could provide on these two topics will be helpful.
Practice as much as possible in order to acclimate
yourself and your team to the style of questions. Once
you've done this and maybe gone to your first
tournament, start targeting areas to learn through reading,
writing questions, etc.