I would like to thank the following people for
their assistance with Penn Bowl:
* The entire
PADT, and all the moderators and scorekeepers who took
time out of their schedules to help out.
* A
special thank you to Brooke Newborn, who worked
tirelessly in HQ to keep things running relatively smoothly,
and kept me from doing my patent-pending decapitated
chicken impression. :)
* Ahmed Ismail, for lending
his vocal talents to the finals.
* Tom Chuck,
for the extended use of his laptop.
* A big
thank you to Jason Arvey and Dom Ricci, for agreeing to
look over the packets, and providing feedback and
proofreading on them.
* The teams at USC, Berkeley, and
Caltech for providing packets for the playoffs
(especially Caltech, whose packet was well-tailored for the
* Charlie Steinhice and Carol Guthrie, for
providing Sword Bowl questions, which helped fill out minor
* T.C. Ford, Jeremy Rasmussen, Anthony de Jesus,
Amber Obermeyer, Adam Fine, and Trey Morris for
providing freelance questions for the playoffs.
there is anyone I missed, thank you.