Since none of my fellow mods have chimed in to say as much I'd like to take the opportunity to just remind all of you to keep this whole thing civil and on-topic otherwise take it elsewhere. Now, on to my real reason for posting: "don't you think that I have already antagonized enough people while trying to remain somewhat vague?" As I see it it's your vague approach that has most antagonized people. Most folks don't like it when you call them or their organizations racist and can't back it up. If you have the balls to make such a bold claim in public at least provide us with some kind of hard evidence. "If I called out some individuals, don't you think it would be 1000% worse for me at my next event?" Perhaps. But if your point is to change what you perceive as the status quo then these issues need to be aired. Really what you should do is approach someone doing something offensive and take it up with them right then and there. The only way specific people will know their behavior is harmful is if you let those people know. Also, it bothers me that you come in here with such a sanctimonious attitude while admitting that some of your own friends are the offenders of which you speak. Try changing their behavior first and then try for the rest of us.
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