<a href=http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=jive target=new>http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=jive</a>
The subtitle of the tournament in question refers
specifically to "jive". It's an interesting term, "jive"... it
seems that not everyone knows what it means. Assuming
that we're not referring to a form of jazz music
popular in the 1930's, or to the act or playing or
dancing to said music, we are then left with the
following meanings for "jive":
"The jargon of jazz
musicians and enthusiasts (n)"
"Deceptive, nonsensical,
or glib talk (n)"
"To talk nonsense; kid
"To talk or chat (v)"
"To cajole or mislead
"Misleading; phony (adj)"
So, then, is "jive" the
native dialect of some obscure civilization of
jazz-based organisms? Are people, due to their lack of
education, required to talk jive? No. Jive is, and always
has been, a style of speech assumed deliberately by
its speakers, generally with the intent of deceiving
or amusing its audience.
Or, to put it
differently, we can all stop worrying about offending the
native jive-speakers (jive-talkers?). There are no
native speakers of jive to be offended.