Right now here's what I know about the field for
NAQT Sectionals Midsouth in Chattanooga on Sat., Feb.
9. These are the teams I'm expecting so far, and in
both divisions it's right on the line regarding some
tournament format decisions. If we have 8 or fewer teams in
a division, we'll run a double round robin for that
division. If we have more, I'm not sure how it'll be set up
-- NAQT rules require a minimum of 12 rounds, and
last year people were ready to pass out by Round 16,
so I'll have to make an executive decision when I
have a clearer idea of the nose count.
In the
meantime, please check to make sure you're on here if you
should be, or not on it if you shouldn't. Also let me
know how many buzzers you plan to bring.
A (1)
Berry B (2)
DePauw A (1)
DePauw B
Emory A (1)
Emory B (2)
Florida (1)
Georgia A (1)
Georgia B (div. unknown)
Georgia Tech
Morehouse (2)
MTSU (2)
Rhodes A (2)
South Carolina
A (1)
Tennessee (2)
University of the South
Still not sure:
North Carolina (div.
South Carolina B (2)
Rhodes B (2)