The Third Annual Spring Break SUN-N-FUN QUIZ-IN
will take place at the University of South Florida
(Tampa) on March 16, 2002; and Beer Bowl II (TRASH) will
follow on March
FORMAT: This is an NAQT-style packet submission tourney
open to all collegiate teams. We ask that your
question packets be of a difficulty caliber for
approximately a first or second-year player with some
tournament experience. If you do not wish to submit a
packet, we can accommodate this as well (see
FEES: Base team fee is $75. (Minimum fee with all
discounts: $40)...Discounts:
* Second team: -$10
Third team: -$15
* Fourth+ teams: -$20
* Packet
received in good order by 2/23/01: -$10
* Traveling
from out of state: -$10
* Working buzzer system:
* Bring competent moderator: -$10
* Only
first teams have to provide a packet. Second+ teams may
provide a packet for additional
* Packet received in good order by 3/2/00: +$0
* Packet received after 3/2/00, or if you do not
wish to write a packet: +$25
For more
<a href= target=new></a>