Here's a heads-up regarding a minor change
(effective for 2003 SCTs) to NAQT rules for continuing
eligibility in Division 2 for players past their first season
of intercollegiate quizbowl play.
For 2002
the D2 eligibilty rules (in full at
<a href= target=new></a>) are summarized:
In short, the policy is
that an undergraduate may continue to play Division II
until he or she is on a team that qualifies for the ICT
or four years pass, whichever comes
For 2003 an addition to the rules (a new "4." under
the full rules) will make that summary:
short, the policy is that an undergraduate retains
Division II eligibilty for up to a maximum of four years,
either until he or she is on a team that qualifies for
the ICT or has twice played in SCTs on Division I
Eric Hillemann, for the NAQT eligibility committee