<<But when I hear music theory questions
with answers like "Eb" and "tritone"...some people
might find this "creative"; most people I spoke to
agreed that a better word for them would be
I am not going to defend the "E flat" question. But
seeing as I _wrote_ the tritone TU, I don't see anything
inherently wrong with that one.
And, for the record,
here it is:
A whole tone scale contains exactly
three, while a major scale contains only one, and the
pentatonic scale contains none. Once considered "the Devil
in music," this interval, such as C to (*) F sharp,
or F to B, is sometimes called an augmented fourth
or a diminished fifth. For 10 points--name this
musical interval, named for the fact that it contains
three whole steps.
answer: _tritone_ (accept
_augmented fourth_ or _diminished fifth_ on early
So: if this is a "weak" topic for a music theory
question, what is a "strong" topic?