I went to NAQT Sectionals last weekend with hopes of taking home the D2 crown to Illinois. This didn't happen due to several factors, but I'm only concerned about one of them: every single one of the teams that placed higher than mine had some sort of upperclassman on it. According to NAQT's website, "Division II is intended to provide new schools and new players with an arena in which they can compete against other developing teams." If this is the case, then why was I playing against juniors and seniors at sectionals? I'm not a bad first-year player, but can I honestly be expected to compete against students sometimes with three or four years more experience than me? While I don't have any problem playing against more experienced players (I've even picked up a few wins on occasion), it just seems that many schools are taking advantage of the lenient rules NAQT has put on eligibility. I've heard similar opinions from players in different regions. I think the D2 eligibility rule should be revised again to include non-qualification for the ICT and play in D1 SCTs, but also a maximum of 2 D2 SCTs before being forced to move on to D1. This would make competition at the D2 level more manageable for new players. Throwing myself to the wolves, Sudheer UIUC Academic Buzzer Team
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