At 08:00 AM 2/12/02 PST, ehillema
>As Bill pointed out, we are after all in business
competition with other for-profit question-writing
That reminds me....College Bowl actually does have a
distribution, and I know people will snicker when they read
that, but it was once posted to the CBCI webpage in the
forums that nobody used because the Yahoo club was the
swingingest quizbowl joint on the web. Unfortunately, I
didn't save it, assuming it would stay up for a while.
FWIW, the distribution resembles proto-ACF, without any
subdistribution, plus adding in, IIRC, current events, pop
culture, and specific categories for women's and
African-American contributions.
Of course, how College Bowl
qualifies things and how the circuit qualifies things
differs, of course. (And it also differs between portions
of the circuit.) I don't know if they would count a
question on toilet paper printed with various permutations
on Murphy's Law as literature.