I noticed there was a discussion about a lack of
representation of some areas in NAQT and I felt it necessary to
say a few words. The amount of art at this year's
sectionals was just ridiculously low. In every room that we
were in, we got through at least 19 tossups, and I
believe we averaged ~24. Still, I counted only 6 art
tossups, and there was no Renaissance representation at
all. At a tournament that felt that Agrippina was
important enough to be mentioned in two tossups, and that
two questions needed to be written about health
organizations, I really wish the editors had made more prudent
decisions about including art.
Secondly, as an Econ
major, I was fairly upset by the complete lack of
economics at this tournament. I understand social sciences
aren't a big thing in college bowl (even though more and
more students are majoring in economics, psychology,
sociology, etc.), but to only see one tossup (on
indifference curves) in fourteen rounds of play is a bit of a
Comments, anyone?