1) It was a pun. 2) I had four undergraduate semesters of economics, plus one graduate course in it. I usually did very well at economics questions. My original career plan was to become an economic analyst before I realized that I enjoyed working with nuclear weapons and special forces par excellence was more enjoyable. I still find economics terms remarkably useful at work, where they're used to convey difficult concepts rather easily. 3) My modus operandi is to write multi-paragraph dissertations on why I (think) I'm right. The same old debates on "(x) needs more/fewer questions have made me bitter and crotchety (admittedly not as much so as some, but bitter and crotechety nonetheless). 4) Had I been serious, you can guarantee that I'd be giving you my reason. However, the debate is not worth it. One side will complain that something isn't represented often, the other side will say "write more questions about it", invoking Norwegian mythology as the Token Thing That Was Originally Really Obscure But Is Now Asked About A Lot Thanks To People Writing Lots Of Questions On It, and there will be a few more parting shots until people focus on something else. Very little will change.
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