For the record, here is the distribution Adam,
Andy, Bryce and I used in the crafting of our 65 VHSL
Each match is:
Round 1: 15
Round 2: 10 directed Q's per team
Round 3: 15
5 spare questions
Math 11: Geometry/Trig 5,
Algebra/Arithmetic/Stats 4, Calculus 1, Computers 1.
Science 11:
Biology 4, Chemistry 3, Earth Science 2, Physics
English 11: Amer.Lit 4, Int.Lit 4, Grammar 1, Vocabulary
2 (but no spelling questions, and most purely
interdisciplinary questions get thrown in with
Social Studies: Am.Hist 4, World Hist 4, Geography 1,
Other SS 2
Other: Visual Fine Arts 2, Audio Fine
Arts 2, Current Events 2.5, Religion 1, Mythology 1,
Philosophy 0.5, Popular Culture/Sports 2
We are going
to be reducing the amount of math we use in future
packets, as it's bloody hard writing good math Q's that
don't become fill-in-the-blank computation questions.
Shawn Pickrell