I've got to stand up for both questions, actually (seeing as I buzzed on both and narrowly missed powering the tritone one). The E-flat question, if I recall, would be completely opaque to anyone who didn't have a music theory background, while, I assume, the tritone question would at least be somewhat possible for someone without said background. The crux of the matter is this: a lot of really, really good players don't know music theory. It's a very hard area in which to have "quiz bowl knowledge", so a lot of players are going to think it's a stupid question. In actuality, I think they were both good questions. They reward specialized knowledge and were able to cover the subject of music without the horribly clich "name the composer from works". I think it'd be interesting to see what happened if the E-flat question talked about works in that key... it might make the question even more opaque, though. There was a question at Elvis regarding a Beethoven piano sonata in the key of C-sharp minor, but it was right before the giveaway... and besides, if I ask you to name a Beethoven piano sonata, ten to one you'll say "Moonlight". Just my two cents, -Michael Falk, Iowa State <a href=http://www.stuorg.iastate.edu/quiz/ target=new>http://www.stuorg.iastate.edu/quiz/</a>
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