<<The real question is, how did you know it
was Ragnar Frisch and not his econometrician
countryman Trygve Haavelmo? Inquiring minds want to know!
Because Haavelmo was a student of Frisch. Additionally I
would also argue that Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen
are more likely to appear than Trygve Haavelmo in an
economics question. If people haven't heard of Robert
Solow's model which is studied in the first ~3 chapters
of any macro text book then its doubtful that
anyone's gonna be happy to hear a tossup on Trygve
Haavelmo. There are other clues about Haavelmo which would
have been more distinguishing such as his going to
America in the 40s, being part of the Cowles Commission
and other good stuff.