I'm wondering what the official ruling(s) are on
answers from players that include more than just an exact
title. An answer given in practice last week was "You
Better Shop Around", while the desired answer was just
"Shop Around". Ok, so it's a correct part of a lyric
from the song, but the extra verbiage wasn't included
parenthetically, and isn't part of the title, and was hence ruled
incorrect by the dictatorial moderator: me.
I can
honestly see this one going either way (the blitzing
argument vs. the exact title argument), so I'm curious as
to what the governing bodies (NAQT and TRASH in
particular) say about this. FWIW, an answer of "The Lifeboat"
was once ruled incorrect at an ACF event where the
desired answer was "Lifeboat", so I think I already know
on which side of the fence they are.
(As an
aside, I don't imagine an answer of "The Earth Move"
would get a prompt when the whole answer is "I Feel the
Earth Move". Hmm...would it?)
In unrelated news,
kudos to the Berkeley crew and NAQT for a legit
tourney. Special thanks to those that provided
accomodations for our squad...you know who you are. Now splurge
and get a deck of friggin' cards already.