This weekend, "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was not accepted because, in the words of the moderator, "additional information was given without giving ALL the additional information." That was almost as frustrating as being called for conferring with myself... :-) To kill the second bird: Texas Tech's B team consisted of a senior, a junior, a sophomore, and two freshman. Only the sophomore had ever been to a intercollegiate tournament before, and the top scorer was a freshman. The idea that the junior and senior should be compelled to compete against people with the experience of an A&M or OU A team at their first tournament simply because they've been in college > 2 years, and when an alternate forum exists, is ludicrous. Perhaps more importantly from NAQT's standpoint is that they had a blast despite going 4-11, and are looking forward to next year, while if I weren't already hooked I would have walked away from quizbowl after my first SCT experience. Edmund used the word "stompling," and I think it applies here. No team expects to win all its games first time out of the gate, but to be pummelled by the entire field, without even so much as a close game or two, is demoralizing. Tech B lost by several hundred points in numerous games, but they didn't go home feeling stompled, and that's good for the community as a whole. Dreading ACF regionals, Trey
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