Andy Goss asked:
>>Who wins this
>>Team 1: Andrew Yaphe, Jason King, Bo Duke, Luke
>>Team 2: Tom Waters, Mike Musgrove, Uncle Jesse, Daisy
I have to go with the second team on this one.
Uncle Jesse was always the voice of wisdom. He probably
wouldn't be very fast on the buzzer, but if things start
to look grim, Daisy can go under the table to change
clothes, requiring the Duke boys to keep her hidden, while
quite probably distracting everyone else in the room
and allowing Jesse to get in there unchallenged.
There's also a very good possibility that the Duke boys
would damage their buzzers beyond repair by welding
them together for maximum speed.
In response to
Charlie's questions about Coy and Vance in Div 2, I saw
them in action last year. They did pretty well on the
questions about NASCAR and Ronnie Milsap albums, but they
had some real trouble in the finals. But that's
little surprise: the Darrin Stephenses/Chris Partridges
quadruple-whammy is pretty intimidating. Not even the original
Templeton "Faceman" Peck or the second Becky from
"Roseanne" could stand up to THAT juggernaut.