I've never been clear on how exactly the
"articles must be correct" rule squares with titles that
don't necessarily have articles. For example, what do
you do if someone says "An Overcoat" for the short
story "The Overcoat," since there are no articles at
all in Russian?
Likewise, on those grounds,
would you reject "The St. Louis Post-Dispatch" because
"The" is not included in the title?
Finally, as
far as the Protocols TU went, in retrospect, I think
it might have been more useful to write the answer
line as:
ANSWER: The _Protocols of the Elders
of Zion_ or The _Protocols_ (of the Meetings of the
Learned Elders) of _Zion_
I have seen the former
so many times that I think it might have been useful
to just list the whole thing out.