<<What you talkin' about, Willis? My team
was never offered a twelfth game at Swat -- and we
stayed there and certainly could have played
-Adam >>
First of all, Adam, it's
"Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?" (or "Samer" as I inquired
last Saturday). My friend Nobuhiro likes to say "What
do you talk about, Willis?". So,
Anyway, that aside, I don't remember being offered "A
Twelfth Game". When was this offer made? Not that it
really matters, as my teammates and I were kinda worn
out by the time of "The Twelfth Game."
just for the record, I think that extraneous leading
articles for literary works originally written in English
should cause the answer to be ruled incorrect. I make it
a habit to leave off all leading articles and first
names etc. In fact, I make it a habit to scrape by with
as little info as possible. I was just pointing out
the loophole.