I remember when I was at QU, there was a common
feeling that having grad students play on the same
circuit as undergrads was inherently unfair to schools
that had no grad students. I changed my mind before I
graduated afte realizing it really didn't make that much
difference. Nonetheless, I understand the feeling, which is
also why there are such things as the "undergrad
national championship" at NAQT.
As a grad student
whose been around for 6.5 years of college play, I am
planning to quit after next year, but that's a personal
decision and not related to some sense of maintaining
competitive balance. In reality, my game hasn't improved much
the past five years, and almost nothing I've learned
in grad school has helped me in quiz
However, I do tend to oppose bashing people by name in
public forums, making assumptions about their motives,
etc. Stuff posted here goes before the entire country.
Let's try to remain aware of that fact.