LOL, Matt, I can't stop agreeing with you. I
mean, if there's something that's helped me with
quizbowl, it's been my study of the per stirpes system of
intestate distribution. And I can't begin to name the
number of times I've powered a tossup on a Bivens
action, or how to go about a "cram down" in a bankruptcy
(The one time I should have powered a law question
came at Penn Bowl, where, after reading that the
Supreme Court dealt with the answer in Campbell v.
Rose-Acuff Music, I rang in and answered "parody," which is
precisely what the case dealt with (indeed, the next words
were "...dealt with the issue of parody" or some
such.) The moderator looked at me blankly, and I
preceded to explain the details and holding of the case.
The answer they wanted was *copyright*, and I got
stuck with a -5.