Here at CWRU, if we've a field of over 50 teams
(which is the case at least for Buzzerpalooza), you are
generally looking at 8-10 buildings. Obviously, it can be a
logistical nightmare. Since the university is so focused on
research, most of the buildings are heavy on labs and
office and thus have few classrooms. Even if we wanted
to, we couldn't go past maybe 70 teams (and we had
more than that between the field and the waitlist two
weeks ago).
We've not found a way to remedy
this, particularly in light of our relationship with
Room Control. They weren't fans of Tom Chuck, so they
hate us by extension. They are also not terribly
organized, losing emails, etc.
The major problem
we've had with logistics, other than locked buildings
(ahem) is the opening meeting. There are only four
big-ish lecture halls, one of which is mysteriously
unavailable this year, so we take what we're given. At ~300
people for Buzzerpalooza, it was cozy this year, to say
the least. Maybe this isn't a problem at big
universities like Michigan or UMCP, but here fitting the
opening meeting could be rough if we get any
-- aam