The University of California, Berkeley Quiz Bowl Club is pleased to announce its annual California Classic Quiz Bowl Tournament. California Classic VII will be held March 2nd, 2002, as part of NAQT's Nationwide High School tournament day. As such, NAQT is providing the questions and we will play modified NAQT Style matches, in which 20 tossups will be read untimed and 15 point power tossups will be in effect. The tournament will be held in Dwinelle Hall at the University of California Campus and we should be underway by 9:30am after breakfast and a rules meeting in a room TBD. With a large enough number of teams we will split into divisions and most likely play a round-robin format with possible cross over amongst divisions in the playoffs. Please remember that multiple teams from the same school may play. We also ask participating teams to bring a buzzer system if they are able to do so. The Fee Schedule is as follows: Base Fee: $105/team Additional team: -$10n (ie, 2nd team $95, 3rd team $85) Buzzer Discount: -$10 for first buzzer, -$5 per additional buzzer Pre-Approved Moderator: -$10 per Minimum Fee per Team: $50 For questions regarding the tournament, format or anything in general, please contact tournament directors Jerry Vinokurov and Kirsten Chevalier at jerry_vinokurov_at_... and krc_at_..., respectively. Feel free to distribute this announcement to other high schools who would be interested in attending.
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