Here are the standings for the Kansas NAQT Community College SCT. Hutchinson dominated the field and went undefeated for the day. They defeated Cloud County B in the final match 170 - 90. Final Standings Team Wins Losses Points Points / Game Hutchinson A 10 0 1710 171 Cloud B 7 3 1230 123 Cloud A 6 3 945 105 Cowley 4 5 805 89.44444444 Butler A 4 4 640 80 Butler B 2 6 620 77.5 Hutchinson B 1 7 565 70.625 Independence 1 7 285 35.625 Final Individual Scoring Player Team Powers Tossups Negs Total Points Points/Game Rounds Katie Baldwin Cloud B 1 54 1 550 55 10 Tony Diab Hutch A 3 43 0 475 47.5 10 Lee Palmer Cloud A 2 27 6 270 30 9 Mike Dykes Cowley 2 18 1 205 25.625 8 Kevin Leis Butler A 0 20 1 195 24.375 8 Cody Lindenberger Hutch A 0 24 5 215 21.5 10 Rex Moser Cowley 0 11 1 105 21 5 Calvin Niblack Butler B 1 14 1 150 18.75 8 Casey Lindenberger Hutch B 0 15 1 145 18.125 8 Neal Chapit Cloud A 1 15 1 160 17.77777778 9 Chris Albers Hutch B 0 10 0 100 16.66666667 6 Valerie Borger Butler B 0 10 1 95 11.875 8 Jordan Cairns Cloud B 2 11 5 115 11.5 10 Clinton Boor Hutch A 1 6 2 65 10.83333333 6 Daniel Boydston Indep. 0 9 1 85 10.625 8 Darcy Fowler Butler A 0 10 3 85 10.625 8 Travis Carey Hutch B 0 5 0 50 10 5 Greg Morford Hutch B 0 1 0 10 10 1 Denise Moser Cowley 0 1 0 10 10 1 Chris Knudsen Butler B 0 9 3 75 9.375 8 Dawn Guse Butler A 1 6 0 75 9.375 8 John Long Indep. 0 6 1 55 9.166666667 6 Chris Franklin Cloud A 0 7 0 70 7.777777778 9 Chuck Austin Cowley 0 7 3 55 6.875 8 Matt Klosterman Hutch A 0 4 0 40 6.666666667 6 Arian Abdullah Butler A 0 5 0 50 6.25 8 Josh Moore Cloud A 0 5 0 50 5.555555556 9 Becky Schwatken Indep. 0 2 0 20 5 4 Nathan Iverson Hutch B 0 3 0 30 5 6 Tammi Janette Hutch A 0 3 0 30 5 6 Randy Templaar Cowley 0 4 0 40 5 8 Wanda Johnston Cowley 0 1 0 10 5 2 Amanda Boydston Indep. 0 3 1 25 4.166666667 6 Jimmy Sandwell Butler B 0 3 0 30 3.75 8 Kevin Boyer Cloud B 0 4 2 30 3 10 Horace Agossou Indep. 0 0 0 0 0 2 Kristina Guy Hutch B 0 0 0 0 0 6 Max Couringotn Hutch A 0 0 0 0 0 2 Dal Call Cowley 0 0 0 0 0 1 Tiffany Earle Indep. 0 0 2 -10 -1.666666667 6
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