M.W., quizbowl's resident nihilist philosopher,
wrote of CBI NCT:
"What with most of the decent
teams abandoning CBI, there are never more than eight
teams (in a good year) that have the slightest chance
of winning the thing. This year, there's maybe six
teams, and that's being generous."
Hm. Let's look
at the NAQT ICT, shall we? We have Chicago (who is
dragging The Yaphe out of mothballs for this event),
Michigan, Princeton, Virginia, Berkeley... um...
And in DivII, there's Michigan, Yale, Boston U.,
Princeton, Maryland... er... Caltech maybe...
Hm. It
appears that "this year, there's maybe six teams, and
that's being generous" that can win NAQT. And Pitt isn't
one of them.
May I suggest you not bother to
show up then, Matt, so that we can contract the field
to only the title contenders?
Speaking only for himself, not Duke, not UNC, not NAQT,
HIMSELF. But you knew that already.