<< Unless, of course, it is taboo, or
forbidden under law, to discuss specific CBI questions and
officiating examples to back up one's comments, even though
said constructive, example-specific criticism is
more-than-acceptable for ACF, NAQT, and individual tournaments.
The fine print at the beginning of every NAQT packet
at sectionals two weeks ago said that participants
at the SCT were not permitted to discuss the
questions with anyone who was not affiliated with the
tournament, until July of 2002 (I can't remember the exact
date). The punishment for violators was that their
entire programs would be banned from NAQT, "possibly
forever." That threat doesn't seem to have stopped a lot of
commentators on this board, though -- but I don't recall
seeing any reminders here from NAQT staff about this,
By contrast, in message 8857, Mary Oberempt of
College Bowl Co. Inc. writes:
<< All tournaments
are complete, so you have the "all clear" to discuss
question content. >>