WHAT: The 3rd annual SUN-N-FUN QUIZ-IN will take place at the University of South Florida, Tampa, on March 16. SNF will be followed by a Trash tournament on March 17 (*NEW* the Trash tournament is being completely written in-house, and there is a base fee of only $25 for it). FORMAT: SUN-N-FUN is an NAQT-style (<a href=http://www.naqt.com target=new>http://www.naqt.com</a>) packet submission tournament open to all collegiate teams. We ask that your question packets be of a difficulty caliber for approximately a first or second-year player with some tournament experience. If you do not wish to submit a packet, we can accommodate this as well (see below). PLEASE REGISTER BY EMAIL TO JEREMYCEC_at_... BEFORE MARCH 9. Let me know how many teams, buzzer systems, and readers you will bring. Thanks. FREELANCE: We are also seeking freelance (aka "blind") question packets. If you cannot attend, but would like to submit a packet, we will give you in return an entire set of the tournament questions. READERS: We are also seeking freelance readers. We will feed you!! ------------------------------------------------- FEES: Base team fee is $75. (Minimum fee with all discounts: $40) Discounts: -- Second team: -$10 -- Third team: -$15 -- Fourth+ teams: -$20 -- Packet received in good order by 2/23/01: -$10 -- Traveling from out of state: -$10 -- Working buzzer system: -$10 -- Bring competent moderator: -$10 * Only first teams need to provide a packet. Second+ teams may provide a packet for additional discounts. Penalties: -- Packet received in good order by 3/2/00: +$0 -- Packet received after 3/2/00, or if you do not wish to write a packet: +$25 ------------------------------------------------- TEAMS ALREADY SIGNED UP as of 2/21/02: Broward Community College A Broward Community College B Florida Atlantic University Florida Community College - Jacksonville Valencia Community College A Valencia Community College B University of South Florida ---------------------------------------------- QUESTION GUIDELINES: See Web site ------------------------------------------------ HOTEL INFO: See Web site ------------------------------------------------ For further info about Quiz Bowl at USF, please email me or see our Web site at: <a href=http://ctr.usf.edu/quizbowl/sun-n-fun-2002.htm target=new>http://ctr.usf.edu/quizbowl/sun-n-fun-2002.htm</a> Thanks! Jeremy Rasmussen
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