We lost our second game in the double elimination
in large part because of a question that one of our
players answered early on with "nerve." The answer being
looked for was "axon." Now, I can accept that this could
be an answer, but about all that had been read was
something like "The longest one in humans is 3 feet, while
the longest one in giraffes is 15 feet." At that
point, I think it's nearly impossible, since the axon
accounts for, what, 99% of the length of a nerve, to tell
what's being looked for.
To be fair, he was
prompted, but it's hard to think in two seconds of what
they might really be looking for when your answer is,
as far as the question has been read, technically
There were a couple other occurrences of this, which I
can't explicitly remember right now, but that was
probably the only one that really cost us a