Thanks to everyone who helped make ACF Regionals
at UTC come together. Our reader corps was thinned
by illness and tested by last-minute cancellations
that took all byes out of the schedule, meaning almost
no breaks. Thanks to Joseph Dion, Scott Sanders,
James Quintong, Aren Calton, Phil Groce, John Rollins,
Dr, Gordon Carper, and assistant TD Dr. Stephen
Taylor. UTC's buzzer setup crew of Wally Edmondson, John
Kilby, and Jonathan Wilson had to deal with a shortage
of *working* buzzers, and Shannon Moore was her
usual stellar self in hndling registration and packet
sales. UTC's resident stats goddess Dorothy Morisch and
her deputy Yolanda Fernandez kept the logistics
running smoothly; I think Dorothy broke her own record in
getting final stats in my hands. And of course thanks go
to Zeke Berdichevsky and special guest editor Dave
Hamilton for yeoperson service on the questions.
Finally, let me thank all participants for their continued
patience and good attitudes over a very long day.
Vanderbilt, Emory, and Florida State deserve special mention
for the collegial and cooperative manner in which we
settled the three-way circle of death for 2nd place. What
was that, you say? Well, stay tuned for our next