Toby was indeed a one-man wrecking crew, and made
a fine showing. How do you go 7-8 and average 64
PPG? It helps if your wins include a couple of
squeakers (80-75 and 80-70.) In many of his wins, Toby got
lots of tossups and very few bonus points -- a hazard
of a one-person team -- but effectively played great
defense by gobbling up the tossups and thus keeping the
other team from a chance at bonus conversion.
Also, one of the Univ. of the South's losing scores was
(-5) -- in fact, there were six such scores posted at
ACF-R-SE, and 25 other scores under 20. Shoot, we had a
match with a *winning* score of 40. I commend the
lower-ranking teams, especially the all-rookie MTSU B squad,
for maintaining a good attitude in the face of such