If there is enough interest, the Wichita State
Academic Quiz Bowl Team would like to hold a mirror of the
upcoming RC Cola Classic Trash Tournament at Chattanooga.
Given that 2 teams from our CBI region (i.e., O.U. and
Wash. U) will be at CBI Nats that weekend, we'd like to
schedule our mirror for the following Saturday, 5/4.
The format would emulate that of the Burning Down the
House event we held last spring. Rule modifications
include: (1) being presented a list of the available bonus
topics before each round so that you can choose your
desired bonus category following each correct tossup and
(2) not being excluded from buzzing in on a given
tossup until you neg, despite potential negs from your
teammates, as long as the question hasn't been completed.
The tournament would also feature another set of
Ultimate Name-That-Tune Rock & Roll audio
If you're interested in this potential event, please
send me an email at wsuquizbowl_at_.... Assuming
a large enough interest, a follow-up post will
include specific tournament information and
Vic D'Amico
Wichita State