SFU Quiz Bowl would like to announce Buzzer-Aid, a fundraising quizbowl tournament, to be held at Simon Fraser Universitys Burnaby Mountain campus on Saturday, March 9th. The novice-level questions will be written in house, and theyll be academic with a healthy dose of trash. This event is open to all who are willing to pony up $20 CDN to play, regardless of gender, race or creed, unless youre *into* Creed, in which case Ill give you a nickel back (sans Chad Kroeger) for an I-Pity-You refund. The proceeds from this event will be used to pay for a buzzer system that our club desperately needs, seeing as borrowing equipment from local high schools isnt a good way to gain legitimacy. We would also like to announce that on the following weekend (Saturday, March 16th to be precise), SFU Quiz Bowl will be hosting Clan Canadian Championship II: Pinkys Brain Drain, the first collegiate invitational in the Pacific Northwest since 2000s Husky Bowl at UW (Im not counting the various VETOs, of course). This tournament will be academic as well, with questions targeting a more experienced audience, as we are expecting/hoping teams like Oregon and Washington will join in the fun. Best of all, it will be completely FREE to all participants! Thats right, FREE! But wait! Theres more! Im planning on running Exit Music II: My Sweet Mary Lou Lord, a mainly 90s to present name-that-tune style audio recall competition, during either Buzzer-Aid or CCC II. Anyone running tournaments around that time who are interested in mirroring this (Ill be making 30-second clips for each song), email me (see address below). BTW, were still working on getting questions for CCC II, so if you have a recent set of academic questions and are willing to donate/sell/trade it for use in a non-profit tourney for the betterment of quizbowl in the Northwest (*cough*), please contact Brock Stephenson (brocks_at_...) or me, Hanson Ho (hwho_at_...). Anybody interested in playing can contact us as well. And to the new team at UBC: *definitely* contact us about this or anything else that will help get you started! Hanson SFU Quiz Bowl
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