I am testing an IRC applet (jpilot) as an inproved chat solution since Yahoo decided to exclude Unix and Mac people. The applet can be accessed at http://www.faqt.org/chat1.html or there is a link in the overview box of http://groups.yahoo.com/group/quizbowl presently I am suggesting server: irc.mindspring.com and room: #quizbowl -- but those are simply first choices to test it. I have only been paying attention to IRC for less than 24 hours, so I am sure there is a lot of configuration to be done, Anyone who wants to send me (email levin031 AT umn DOT edu ) revised html code or settings please do so. I want to simplify it so that there is one reliable option from the web page - I don't know yet what that option is. An advantage of IRC is that it can be accessed from numerous clients (IRCLE for Mac, mIRC for Windows, among others) and is thus not web dependent. For those without an IRC client a java applet is provided. However, we do need to find a common room #quizbowl and a common server - which allows anyone to log in. People with more experience than I at IRC should speak up as to what those standards should be. jclient is currently unregistered, so it does have annoying (register me) messages - if people say jclient is good, I will register using earnings from my vast quizbowl profits. Anyone who want to post a primer on IRC (or a good link to one), that would be good too. -- dml
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