The IRC replacement for the chatroom has been successful thus far,
with around 25 users (although so far the peak has not reached the
levels seen in the Y! clubs java chatroom). With the construction of
this room, we'll need two things:
- To register the channel (which will be done as soon as Undernet's
channel services return from their renovation), we need 10 names and
associated e-mail addresses to sponsor the channel. The e-mail
addresses have to be ISP e-mail (e.g. AOL or a university account or
Earthlink) instead of "fake" e-mail (free services like Yahoo! mail
or hotmail). If you're interested in being part of this signup, just
send your name and e-mail address meeting the above criteria to
ers_at_... .
- We need "ops", channel operators. These are people who have the
power to regulate certain aspects of the channel, and to kick out
unruly users. The desired qualities in an op are:
- Trustworthiness & reliability
- IRC experience
- frequent online-ness
If you're interested in being an op for #quizbowl, e-mail ers_at_...
with qualifications.