I obviously don't speak for anyone with any authority in ACF, but I
will just provide the historical perspective.
(1) The concept of untimed matches compared to the CBI timed stuff
was enough of a move back then.
(2) While powers may be player friendly, I don't think that power
tossups have necessarily resulted in improved question-writing when
it comes to submission/group editing questions. It's easier to make
them player-friendly in my opinion whenever the questions are written
to a standard and edited to a standard.
(3) As with most sports, however, if power tossups improve the game
by providing for more offense, it should be considered. We have to
dispel the notion of ACF games being won with < 150 points per game
combined as being "a good thing." To me, I guess a bit more offense
isn't inherently bad, but I think that everyone submitting questions
for ACF Nationals should remember if they don't like the questions,
it's their own fault. Putting power marks in doesn't necessarily
make question-writing or playing any better.
Of course, this is just what I think.