Hi All,
Just a reminder that the Ironhead Invitational 2002, a pop
culture/trash tournament, will be held on March 24 at the University
of Pittsburgh. The tournament will be preceeded on March 23 by
the Omar Bongo Memorial.
We can still accomodate more teams. Packets are not due until March
17 (get it in by this Sunday for a $10 discount). Distribution and
the fee structure are available at:
Teams currently coming/expressing interest:
Bill and Mike's Bogus Journey (Tressler, Roke, and Pals)
Johns Hopkins
George Washington
Case Western
Carnegie Mellon (2?)
Dwight Kidder and ... wait, no ... Dwight has no friends ... ;-)
If your team isn't on this list but wants to be (and frankly, why
WOULDN'T you?), e-mail me at this yahoo account.
A fun, zesty clean time will be had by all. Thingies may be had,
Eric Steinhauser