Didn't see any results posted, and I'm curious to see if the message
actually ends up on the board, so here goes. Michigan A was
victorious in the Wildcat Invitational, going 12-0. Illinois was 2nd
at 7-5, Florida Atlantic plus Roger Bhan was 3rd at 9-3, and Indiana
was 4th. The other four teams were Michigan B (Matt Lafer playing
solo), Kentucky (Seth Kendall playing solo), South Carolina, and
WUSTL, but I don't know the complete finishing order. The format was
a round robin, followed by lesser round robins among teams 1-4 and
5-8, followed by two rounds of ladder play. Illinois and Indiana
successfully took advantage of ladder play to climb a spot at day's end.
Scoring awards were calculated after the initial round robin. Seth
Kendall was 1st but got no prize. Matt Lafer was 2nd, Roger Bhan 3rd,
Raj Dhuwalia 4th, Zeke 5th, and Adam Kemezis 6th (the last two might
be reversed). The neg title went to Hair Boy.
It was a well-run tournament with an excellent set of questions by
Kelly McKenzie. The questions were indeed, as several participants
noted, challenging but accessible.
--Raj Dhuwalia, FAU