The Omar Bongo Memorial Academic Tournament will happen on Saturday,
March 23 here at Pitt.
Registered teams:
Carnegie Mellon
George Washington
Kentucky A
Kentucky B
Dwight Kidder et al
Eric Steinhauser et al
I'm waiting to hear back from some people who are considering coming,
as well as people who haven't yet contacted me. Remember, there is NO
PACKET SUBMISSION NEEDED for this tournament, and the field is open
to anyone, so if you're attending Ironhead the next day, consider
coming in early for some academic rounds. If you haven't yet thought
about coming to either tournament, note that Pittsburgh is a very
accessible location.
I'm willing to match free agents--if you want to attend but don't
have a team, e-mail me at darwins_bulldog1138 _at_ and I'll
try to hook you up with someone.