1. Based on some administrative issues with Undernet - they
say that channel and network services won't be back up until "by
the end of the year, if we're lucky", we are trying a new IRC host
for #quizbowl.
Here's the information:
HybNet (Hybrid IRC Network)
East Coast server: irc.wewt.net port 6667
Channel: #quizbowl
This changeover should be entirely transparent to jIRC users -
since the page serving the jIRC client has been updated, and
almost entirely so to other IRC client users.
2. Yahoo Chat and Yahoo Groups Chat are (surprisingly) two
different programs. While the former did permit mac and *nix
access, the latter doesn't ... hence the switch to IRC.
3. We are taking volunteers and nominations for #quizbowl
channel administrators. email me at davidlevinson_at_...
if you are interested. Based on interest, some decision process
will be arrived at.
-- ES and dml