This just in: Incitatus demands a recount.
--- In quizbowl_at_y..., "weill" <yahoo_at_w...> wrote:
> The Carnegie Mellon University College Bowl club held officer
> on Monday, March 18, 2002. Due to dead heats between Mike Tolan and
> Jason Weill in both the presidential and vice-presidential
elections, a
> motion was passed for the creation of the new "Consul" office to
> the responsibilities of president and vice president. The following
> will be our officers for the 2002-2003 academic year:
> Consul: Mike Tolan, Jason Weill
> Secretary: Jackie Kirchhoff
> Treasurer: Dan Concepcion
> Tournament Director: Erin Korber
> Congratulations to our new officers!
> --
> Jason Weill
> Secretary, Carnegie Mellon College Bowl