Eleven teams vied for the title and plaque associated with the
Ironhead Invitational 2002 at the University of Pittsburgh.
Briefly --
Big Eastern Syndicate (Castagna, Fine, Ismail, Young) defeated
Straight Outa B-Nayz (Barker, Blay, Burger, Bykowski) in the finals
match to capture the title.
Splitting third place honors were Dwight Kidder and the Pitt house
team, who lost to the above teams in the semifinals.
Dwight was the top scorer, followed by Craig Barker.
Anthony DeJesus was the top neg artist with 16 in 10 rounds. Full
results will be placed on the Pitt website in the near future.
Ironhead packets are available for $15. Contact me for details.
For Carey Clevenger and myself, many heartfelt thanks to all who
came to play and/or help.
-- eps