Just a reminder, as the super-early packet deadline fast
approaches - the University of Chicago will be hosting the first
annual Fabulous Unnamed Chicago Tournament on Saturday,
May 4, 2002. It will be an untimed juniorbird with ACF-style rules
and will most likely feature some audio and video boni. There
will be tasty food. There will be fabulous prizes. There will be a
discount of $30 (off of the base fee of $70) if you submit your
packet before March 30.
Further information (including full price structure and packet
requirements) may be found at http://bowl.uchicago.edu/
fuct2002/fuct.html All packets should be directed to Ed Cohn at
ecohn_at_... ; all questions and comments
should be directed to me at srferrar_at_... .
We hope to see a lot of you in May.
Susan Ferrari
vice president, University of Chicago College Bowl